Its been quite a while since I wrote up what I am using on day to day, in fact I seem to have skipped all of 2016.

Desktop Apps

Not too much change on the Desktop …

  • Visual Studio Code ; I started off the year Atom, but this gives me the same functionality and seems quicker
  • Pastebot ; Working in tech means I copy and paste alot, this lets me sync and (not all from StackOverflow )
  • Bear ; For note taking

… still using SublimeText (Still the best text editor around), 1Password , Photoshop , Omnigraffle , Tweetbot & MS Office .

Command line

There have been a few additions …

  • Docker ; Enough said really
  • HTTPie ; Great for testing web based “stuff”
  • Ansible ; Seems to have got me out of alot of scrapes and save me alot of time this year
  • Hostess ; Because I am lazy and want to use a tool to manage my hosts file
  • mas-cli ; To script Mac App Store installations after rebuilds

… as well as still using Home Brew , Cask , StormSSH , known_hosts & Z


Finally, using the following services …

  • Digital Ocean , for spinning up test instances
  • AWS ; Using Route53 as well as spinning up test instances
  • asciinema ; Great for demoing stuff
  • Grammarly ; With all of the writting I am doing I found this useful

… along with Github , Pinboard , Feedly and Pocket  .

Here are what I was using in 2015, 2014 and 2013;

Day To Day Tools What’s in the toolbox? Stuff I use